Medical Corporation Shin-i-kai
There are two types of welfare assistance available in outpatient treatment.
1. Jiritsushiennseido=Psychiatry, indepence support system.
Depend on both income and severity of disease, in principle, 10% of the medical expenses for those who are continuously undergoing outpatient psychotherapy or drug therapy due to mental illness will be borne by them.
2. Mental Disability Certificate Card=Seishinshougaisyatechou.
This card certificates that a person is in a state of mental disorder. Attempt to make up for the disadvantages of disabilities by issueing handbooks in order to promote the independence and social participation of persons with mental disabilities.Depending on your condition. You will also have to pay 10% of your medical expenses yourself.
Notice. Application form for both the independence support system and Mental Disbability Certificate are aveilable at the clinic.Please note that each municipality has a different application form.
Notice. You can apply for the Mental Disablity Certificate after half a year has passed since your first visit.
Sleeping pills and anti-anxiety pills are limited to 30days per prescription.
A prescription issued by a doctor is valid for only 4days. There for please pick up your medicine at the pharmacy within 4days of receiving it.
Without public insurence, self-paid medical treatment, alleviates some of these requirements.
By notification of the health authorities,remote consultation is possibe even for psychiatric consultaions, but actual consultation is required for the first visit and for every third times prescription.
Concerta and Vyvance can only be prescribed by a certified psychiatrist and pharmacy.
Receiving a prescription for remote medical treatment is, in principle, a procedure to send the prescription to the patient's home by real mail from the clinic. Alternatively, we mail medicines from Tanabe Pharmacy, which is adjacent to our hospital.
An electric prescription system has been started, in which clinics directly instruct pharmacies with degital prescription, but it is not fully deveioped yet. Wait a while until the implementation.
As an example of many inquiries, with the global increase in ADHD patients, the number of foreign patients requiring ADHD treatment is also increasing. There are 4kinds of antiADHD medicines available in Japan. Concerta=Stimulant, Vyvance=Stimulant, Stratera=Atmoxetine=produced from the development process of antidepressants,Intuniv=guanfacine hydrochloride=produced from the development process of hypotensive drugs=suppressing autonomic nervous system.
Of the four drugs listed above, Concerta and Vyvance are strictly restricted by authorities in prescription. Conduct several screenig tests and a detailed intelligence test will be conducted as needed.
Especialy Vyvance must be started before age 20. For patients over the age 20, only those with a Certificate or medical letter which probe that the patient has been treated by Vyvance under the age of 20, are allowed to prescribe.
now underwriting. [shobyo teate-kin]Injury sickness allowance etc.